شريط الأخبار
الملك يؤكد لرئيس الوزراء الكندي ضرورة تثبيت وقف إطلاق النار في غزة الحكومة: مبادرات ومساعدات لآلاف الأردنيين في شهر رمضان رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة يتفقد واجهة المنطقة العسكرية الشمالية فلسطين ومصر تبحثان ملامح خطة التعافي المبكر وإعادة إعمار غزة ترامب يدرس إمكانية وقف الأسلحة لكييف الاحتلال يشدد القيود في القدس والمسجد الأقصى خلال رمضان حركة نشطة بأسواق الزرقاء في أول يوم رمضان محافظ البلقاء يؤكد أهمية تعزيز الرقابة على الأسواق افتتاح مركز للإسعاف في مجمع "الفوسفات"الصناعي بالعقبة "رئيس النواب" يهنئ بذكرى تعريب قيادة الجيش النائب السابق محمد فالح الحجايا يهنئ بذكرى تعريب قيادة الجيش ولي العهد: يا جيشنا يا عربي حسان: نحيي نشامى قواتنا المسلحة الباسلة أسعار الذهب تنخفض محليا الحديد يسحب استقالته من رئاسة الفيصلي المحامي شبلي عبد الهادي القطيش يهنئ الملك والأردنيين بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك الملكة رانيا: اللهم اجعله شهر سكينة للروح والغفران الملك وولي العهد يتلقيان برقيات تهنئة بمناسبة شهر رمضان حسّان يهنئ بحلول رمضان ترامب لزيلينسكي: بلادك في ورطة وأنت لا تريد وقف إطلاق النار

"رنا الحجايا" تكتب عن النتائج الكارثيه لغضب الشعوب في مواجهة السياسات النيوليبرالية (The wrath of nations over the policies of the end of history )

رنا الحجايا تكتب عن  النتائج الكارثيه لغضب الشعوب  في مواجهة السياسات النيوليبرالية  (The wrath of nations over the policies of the end of history )

القلعه نيوز - بقلم - رنا الحجايا "


نشر موقع "Jordan News" في 11 اب مقالة للكاتبه رنا الحجايا حول معاناة شعوب العالم خاصة الشباب والفئات المهمشة السياسيه والاقتصاديه والاجتماعيه في ظل النظام العالمي الحالي والنكبات التي تسبب بها لشعوب المجتمع الدولي

ونظرا لاهمية هذه المقاله ارتات - القلعه نيوز - نشر مقتطفات منها بالعربيه ونشر النص الكامل للمقاله كما وردت ونشرت في موقع Jordan News وفيما يلي ملخصا بالعربيه يليه النص الكامل للمقاله بالانجليزيه




ان مواجهة التحديات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية العالميه ، باستخدام السياسات النيوليبرالية من قبل النخب السياسيه الحاكمة ، دون فهم تأثيرها الاجتماعي السلبي سيؤدي الى تحويل مشاعر الغضب الشعبي- خاصة بين الشباب الذين يشعرون بالتهميش - الى ما لاتحمد عقباه ،كما يحدث في بعض الدول الأفريقية التي تواجه انقلابات وثورات لانهاية لها "

- ان محاولة احتواء الاحتجاجات الشعبيه وعمليات السخط الشعبيه المتزايده ، من خلال قرارات شكلية دون التصدي لمكافحة مسببات هذه الاحتجاجات، وهي الفقر والتفاوتات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية ، لن يحل مشكلات شعوب العالم في ظل النظام العالمي المالي السائد حاليا الذي ادى الى ازمات ماليه عالميه وانهيار اقتصادي عالمي

- إن صانعي القرار العالميين (غالبًا ما يكونون أيضًا صانعي المال) يفكرون بشكل متزايد في التمويل أولاً ، ويحولون كل شيء إلى سلعة ابتداء بالمواطن إلى الدولة


نص المقاله كما نشرها موقع Jordan News


The wrath of nations over the policies of the end of history



The utter failure of the neoliberal economic model, which has recently been linked to austerity measures and efforts to reduce government expenditures on social services, causes an increase in resentment, particularly among young people, as well as turbulence and violent outbursts that we might refer to as marginal revolution."

The subsequent response to marginalization, and the consequent unrest and protests erupting from the margins—which are frequently employed—is within the context of what will be termed the "model of control". This mode of control is framed in Jordan through the Anti-Terrorism Law, which was released 15 years ago to some controversy, and is now being outdone by the new cybercrime law in terms of its limitations of public freedoms and freedom of expression.

The model of control tries to stop these marginal revolutions, framing them within a security framework, the issues of poverty and the socio-economic inequalities that society experiences are mainly overlooked with public safety becoming an ostensible priority. However, when the threats to the 'homeland' are immediate, the typical response is a tightening of social control in an effort to "keep a lid" on public unrest, which only makes matters worse in the future.

Facing economic, and social challenges managed by the political elite, using neoliberal policies without understanding its negative social impact, these policies force people to get angry, and thus be motivated by anger to destroy political systems as what is happening in some African nations facing interminable coups and revolts.

Distant powers

The British Newspaper the Independent published an article by Irish journalist Patrick Cockburn that sheds light on the outcome of the Arab Spring revolutions, tries to identify the reasons for their failure, and anticipates the future of the protests that some Arab countries are witnessing today. Cockburn argues that the greatest motive for change in the Arab world is the oppression, misery, and injustice against which the peoples of the region revolted a decade ago, and which today seems to be growing ever worse, and the people's anger towards it has grown.

The Gallup Foundation published a global "emotional report”. One of the emotions they recorded was anger, in which the Lebanese and Iraqis recorded the highest percentage. Both of which are countries whose histories feature heavy-handed and often brutal examples of American intervention. It is the powerlessness that leads to anger, a weakness that is often enforced by remote decision makers, often taking the form of the political and economic elite, but far more dangerous when they are very distant global powers.
America’s anger
The financial crisis of 2008, which engulfed the entire world, came as an alert of "marginal revolutions" but it was not strong enough to counteract the already present extreme neoliberal economic structure. Although it strongly influences people’s views of modern-day America, including its own citizens.

As described in the famous article "The End of History Is the Birth of Tragedy”, by Hal Brands and Charles Edel, Americans have grown accustomed to the success of the US-led international system because it has endured for such a long time. They failed to recognize what that order was designed to stop in the first place: the kind of complete collapse of the international order, the slide into violence, and the outbreak of great-power conflict. Their surprise was shared by all during the financial crisis, where neo-liberal policies caused an economic collapse.

It is the policies that bring this about. Wage gaps are growing ever wider, making those with money ever more distant. Global decision-makers (often also money-makers) are increasingly considering finance first, commodifying everything from the citizen to the nation-state.

One hundred years ago when everything seemed to be on the precipice of change, William Butler Yeats wrote "The Second Coming". I would like to share a part of it:

Surely some revelation is at hand

Surely the Second Coming is at hand The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I knew
That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be borne