شريط الأخبار
عاجل: البتراء : أعمال شغب في أم صيحون وإنقلاب مركبة للدرك ووقوع إصابات الملك يجتمع برؤساء شركات ومؤسسات تعليم عال بولاية ماساتشوستس قاسم الحجايا يكتب: جلالة الملك في البيت الأبيض.. لقاء حاسم ومواقف مبدئية راسخة والتهجير خط أحمر بن غفير يدعو إلى شن هجوم ناري واسع على غزة ردا على المقاومة حماس: تأجيل تسليم المحتجزين المقرر الإفراج عنهم السبت المقبل لإشعار آخر الملك يصل ولاية ماساتشوستس لبحث فرص تطوير شراكات مع الأردن عشائر الحجايا تجدد الدعم والمؤازرة لجلالة الملك وقدرته على التأثير أحداث مثيرة في "السوبر بول".. و"فيفا" يسخر بطريقته الخاصة من البطولة مصر تحظر المحصول الأسود فرنسا.. بدء محاكمة المتهم بقتل 3 أشخاص في كنيسة بمدينة نيس عام 2020 عمر نورمحمدوف: سأعود إلى القفص بعد ستة أشهر سهم شركة يابانية يقفز بنحو 4800% بفضل "البيتكوين" "تذكرة ذهاب دون عودة".. ترامب يعلن تفاصيل "مرعبة" عن خطة بشأن تهجير الغزيين من أرضهم الكشف عن سبب منع بايرن ميونخ من ارتداء القميص الأحمر في دوري الأبطال العيسوي يلتقي وفود شعبية ونسائية وطلابية في الديوان الملكي مشتركة في الأعيان تقر مشروع قانون الإحصاءات العامة 2024 قانونية النواب تتسلم مقترح قانون حظر التهجير وتمنحه صفة الاستعجال وزير الصناعة يبحث تعزيز التعاون الاقتصادي مع 4 دول لبنان يدين الدعوات الإسرائيلية لإقامة دولة فلسطينية على الأراضي السعودية ارتفاع أسعار النفط عالميا بعد الإعلان عن رسوم جمركية جديدة

Atos to Open MENA HQ with a Sports Technology Centre of Excellence in Saudi Arabia

Atos to Open MENA HQ with a Sports Technology Centre of Excellence in Saudi Arabia
Riyadh, 3 March 2024 - Atos today announced plans to open a pioneering Sports Technology Centre of Excellence within a newly established Atos MENA HQ in the second quarter of 2024 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Announced at LEAP 2024, the Centre of Excellence will leverage Atos' global track record in providing best-in-class IT services and solutions to global sporting events. The Centre will develop cutting-edge technology applications to benefit athletes, fans and the sports movement in Saudi Arabia.
This pioneering move comes at a time when Saudi Arabia is undergoing a major development in shaping the future of the economy and sport within the Kingdom’s "Vision 2030", as it seeks to become a destination to host the world’s most important and prestigious international sporting events.
By establishing its MENA HQ in the Kingdom, Atos will be at the forefront of the digital transformation in Saudi Arabia and the region, fostering a thriving economy and accelerating innovations for local initiatives in the private sector.
Marc Veelenturf – CEO Middle East & Turkey at Atos said: "Through the Sports Technology Centre of Excellence, Atos will empower organisations in Saudi Arabia with the technologies needed to thrive in the Kingdom's digital economy. Drawing upon our best-in-class digital tools and IT solutions, the Centre will become the epicentre for major events technology and digital innovation in the region."
The MENA HQ and the Centre of Excellence will significantly contribute to both the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Program by supporting public sector initiatives, transformation projects, and various giga projects and smart destinations such as Expo 2030 and Saudi Entertainment & Amusement (SEA) Expo. It will leverage Atos' global know-how and experience to serve these global initiatives.
Mutaz Salem – General Manager at Atos said: "Atos will enable Saudi’s major projects to become pioneering, future-proof smart destinations rooted in tradition, sport and culture with strong expertise and experience.”
Javier Escudero – Commercial Director at Atos Major Events said: "The Atos Sports Technology Centre of Excellence will be located at the heart of Riyadh to provide major events with seamless technology, orchestrating flawless operations and secure data flow. Our unique track record in sport includes over 25 Asian projects such as the Olympic Games, and Asian, Arab and Gulf Games. Atos innovative solutions will serve as the backbone, enabling organisers to captivate audiences worldwide while ensuring reliability and precision behind the scenes.”
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Specifically, the Centre will serve as a dynamic business hub hosting a range of activities under the umbrella of "Club Atos". These include keynote sessions, roundtable discussions, technology demonstrations, workshops and networking events. These engagements will provide a platform for industry leaders, event organisers, clients and partners to explore the forefront of digital transformation, cybersecurity, cloud services, decarbonisation, application modernisation, DevSecOps and edge computing.
Atos is the Worldwide IT Partner of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and is now working on the preparation of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024. Atos is also the Official Technology and Digital Services Partner of the European Olympic Committees for the next editions of the European Games until 2027 and the Official Information Technology Partner for UEFA National Team Football until 2030.
Atos is the only international IT services company serving its partners and customers through a dedicated in-house sports and major events division ("Major Events”). To learn more about Atos’ solutions for sporting events and major events, visit the Atos website.