شريط الأخبار
وزير الداخلية يعلن اطلاق خدمة الشهادات الرقمي مطلع الشهر المقبل وزير الداخلية مازن الفراية يلتقي المدير الاقليمي للمنظمة الدولية للهجرة سوريا .. تجميد الحسابات البنكية لشركات وأفراد مرتبطين بالأسد وزير الصناعة : دعوة لتعزيز العلاقات الاقتصادية والتجارية مع سوريا ‏الصفدي: تلبية حقوق الفلسطينيين في الحرية والدولة المستقلة هو أساس السلام. الأمير الحسن يختتم زيارة عمل إلى الكويت ولي العهد: سعدت بتمثيل الأردن ولي العهد يلتقي المستشار المؤقت لجمهورية النمسا ولي العهد يبحث سبل التعاون مع شركات عالمية لدعم أهداف المجلس الوطني لتكنولوجيا المستقبل ولي العهد يبحث سبل تعزيز التعاون مع المنظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية ولي العهد يلتقي في دافوس عمدة الحي المالي لمدينة لندن الملك يبحث هاتفيا مع مستشار الأمن القومي الأمريكي سبل تعزيز الشراكة الاستراتيجية عاجل: المحافظ أبو الغنم يوعز بشن حملات واسعة لمواجهة ظاهرة التسول في المفرق ولي العهد يلتقي الرئيس السنغافوري في دافوس تعميم هام من رئيس الوزراء حول صرف مكافآت اللجان الحكومية إرادة ملكية سامية بالموافقة على قانون الموازنة العامة للسنة المالية 2025 "حماس" تنشر أهم النقاط التالية من اتفاق وقف إطلاق النار في غزة نساء مؤثّرات في حياة دونالد ترمب... من أمّه العاملة المنزلية إلى محاميته العراقية «حماس»: السماح بحرية التنقل بين جنوب قطاع غزة وشماله من السبت محمد بن سلمان وترمب يناقشان توسيع الشراكة بين بلديهما

رسالة مفتوحه لجلالة الملك Your Hashemite Majesty, In Jordan, there are Men who have devoted themselves to the public good.

رسالة مفتوحه لجلالة الملك Your Hashemite Majesty, In Jordan, there are Men who have devoted themselves to the public good.

رسالة مفتوحه لجلالة الملك :في الأردن، رجال وشخصيات وطنية ، نذروا أنفسهم للصالح العام.. ولكن هناك كثيرون عكس ذلك

ياصاحب التاج العظيم

" في وطننا - الاردن الحبيب- رجال وطنيون ، يضحون بالغالي والنفيس ، يؤثرون الوطن على مصالحهم ، يمكن الاعتماد عليهم في تطوير وبناء الوطن ، وترجمة رؤاكم السامية يا جلالة الملك ، في إحداث التغيير الايجابي المنشود ، وتحقيق حالة من الرضى الشعبي في أزهى وأنقى صورها.. ولكن هناك كثيرون يؤثرون مصالحهم الشخصيه ومصالح اقاربهم على مصلحة الوطن "

النص الاصلي الكامل للرساله كما وردتنا باللغه الانكليزية :


: Your Hashemite Majesty

In Jordan, there are Men who have devoted themselves to the public good

By : Faisal Ossama al-Najdawi

Indeed, Jordan has virile individuals who are truly patriotic. They dedicate their time, brains and entire lives to the public good, when many others only care about their private interests, personal gains and perks for their relatives.

I put forward this introduction to your Majesty, reflecting on the brave public servant Moussa al-Subaihi, who voluntarily left public office of his own free Jordanian volition, in protest against policies he perceived to be contrary to the public good, having raised his voice up high demanding their rectification.Despite this, he never abandoned his role, duty, and mission.

For since he presented his remonstrative ten-thousand-word resignation, in which he explained the reasons of his departure and presented his vision, as well as views on several policies that had been adopted by the previous administration of the Social Security Department, warning against their consequences and future effects on everyone, he has played an important role in raising public awareness. Launching a page on Facebook (titled: You Have the Right to Know about Social Security), he published hundreds of daily awareness-raising and educational information posts that relate to all aspects of social security and its legislations, policies, decisions, and procedures, to guide, advise and defend society’s fragile and vulnerable communities.

Your Majesty,

Moussa al-Subaihi is an exceptional case, not only in our Jordanian society but perhaps in all societies. For instead of relaxing after his exit from public office and taking care of his own private affairs, away from the clamour of public service, he proved to be of a diligent, self-made, and motivated personality who pioneers educational, awareness-raising voluntary work and who advises governments, departments, and individuals. He has no personal agenda or motive other than setting an example for a civilised, beautiful, useful and patriotic tradition of work and contribution outside the classical public employment framework.

Through his awareness-raising platform, he managed to consolidate this image, with its pure and patriotic format, away from narrow objectives and personal interest.

Al-Subaihi managed to assert himself as an expert of social insurance and protection. This is not surprising, for he had a long experience in the Social Security Department as the former and longest serving spokesperson of its history. During his tenure, he proved to be a shining example of an accountable public servant who preferred field work to sitting in office. He maintained productive communication with people of all walks of life, through which he built trust between his department and its wide audience all over the nation.

I believe that no other official or public servant maintained communication with the public as much as al-Subaihi did. He held hundreds of meetings and open dialogue sessions with the various segments of society in universities, departments, factories, companies, mosques, churches, forums, societies, political parties, Jordanian expat groups, professional and labour syndicates, and others. He still maintains the same spirit, motivation, and love of public duty, and has one objective in mind: to protect the rights of the vulnerable workers and others, to raise awareness of their rights and to facilitate achieving them.

Your Glorious Hashemite Majesty,

This person is of our Hashemite Jordanian Kingdom. He has unshakeable countenance and will, a patriot who loves his country, keen on the public good, brave in telling the truth, and he flatters no one at the expense of the nation and the public good. In his writings, he pointed out many shortcomings, errors and violations, while rectifying and advising them using free speech, solid arguments and logic. He continues to assert as much pressure as he can to rectify any wrong path, in answer to your Majesty’s wise call for applying pressure for the national public good.

These words that I present before you, your Majesty the King, intend to deliver the clear message that our country has strong and faithful Men, like brother al-Subaihi and others like him, and that these people are the dependable for the development, building and for interpreting your sublime vision, your Majesty, in implementing the desired change and achieving public satisfaction at its most beautiful and pure display.